Ifsc Code Dana Adalah
Unik untuk Cabang Bank
IFSC Code adalah kode unik yang terkait dengan masing-masing cabang bank. Tidak ada dua cabang bank yang memiliki IFSC Code yang sama. Kode ini membedakan cabang satu dengan yang lain.
Baca Juga: Daftar Kode Bank Terlengkap Untuk Transaksi Keuangan
National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)
NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer is a nationwide electronic fund transfer system that lets you transfer money from one bank account to another. It is a safe and hassle-free process as it is monitored by the RBI. All NEFT settlements are made in a batch-wise format, and funds can be sent through NEFT to accounts of all Indian NEFT-enabled banks. To initiate an NEFT transfer, you would need the account number and name of the receiver, along with the name of the bank branch and its IFSC.
Where to Find the IFSC Code?
If you are wondering how to search for an IFSC code, here are four methods to find the IFSC for a bank branch:
Branch Locator tool
Most banks have a Branch Locator tool on their official website. You can use it to find the IFSC for a specific branch by entering the state, city and branch name. For example, if you enter “Uttar Pradesh” in the state field, “Lucknow” in the city field, and “Lucknow Main Branch” in the branch name field, your screen will display the IFSC of this branch.
It is crucial to enter the correct IFSC during an online transfer, as it ensures that the funds reach the intended recipient. If you enter an incorrect IFSC, your bank will decline the transaction.
IFSC Code in Cheque Leaf
The IFSC is usually printed at the end of the branch address on the top left corner of the cheque leaf.
Sample IFSC Codes of Top Banks in India
Interesting Facts about IFSC Codes
How Many Digits Are There in IFSC Codes?
An IFSC code has 11 characters. This alphanumeric code consists of the bank identifier (the first 4 letters), a zero (as a separator), and a 6-digit branch code that uniquely identifies each branch.
Features of IFSC Codes
Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) Format
The IFSC code is an 11-character alphanumeric identifier made up of three parts: bank identifier, followed by a zero as a separator, and finally, a unique 6-digit branch code:
These IFSC codes, assigned by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), ensure seamless electronic fund transfers by distinctly identifying every branch in India’s banking network.
For example, IFSC for the Langford Road branch of ICICI Bank is ICIC0000269, where ICICI represents the bank name, 0 is for future use, and 000269 denotes the branch code.